Below is the CBMC Grand Rapids Leadership Board. Please feel free to connect with any of us to find out more about CBMC Grand Rapids. Name Phone Email Patrick Colunga (231) 720.5705 pcolunga@wnj.comRic Dyk (616) 291.0262 rdyk@bdrinc.comJohn Mulder (616) 560.4392 jmulder@masterfinishco.comRandy Murphy (616) 560.6398Jordan Painter (616) 299.8470 jordan@keystonehg.comCharles Samfilippo (616) 481.6069 csam999@sbcglobal.netSteve Whitteberry (616) 822.0955 Name * Email Address * Comment / Question * Leave this field blank CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What is the only US State that starts with 'R'? * Fill in the blank.